4 Steps to More Profitability
Are you actually running a business? Or are you hustlin' without a clear strategy?
Are you embracing that you ARE a CEO? Or is your business still run like a hobby?
I was just talking to someone the other morning about actually stepping in to your power and building a business rather than hustlin' as a professional. Then I saw Marie Forleo's latest episode pop into my inbox and wanted to share my perspective about profitability mistakes.
1. Pay Yourself First
I am a huge fan of the Profit First model. The old model is to only pay yourself AFTER all of your expenses. But what if you actually allocated your income and made sure you were paid FIRST? That's what I have done with all of my businesses. I pay myself 35-50% of all my income every week. Grab the book here>>
2. Keep Overhead Low
Expense creep is real. I have talked with countless people...friends, clients...you name it and learned their expenses are over 30%. Part of this was an effort to have support and stop doing it all, but it left them upside down. Not only does the Profit First model give you these percentages, I spoke with a COO when I owned my yoga studio and he told me to keep staff no more than 30-32% of your overall expenses. My secret weapon for building a global team with expertise I need and keeping costs low? iWorker! Click here to learn more.
3. Break Free from Survival Mode
Feeling safe and getting out of survival mode runs deep in distortion patterns we're running not only from this lifetime, but from our ancestors, culture and religion. While I've done a ton of personal development through yoga and other healing modalities, it's been clearing these distortion patterns and raising my frequency vibration that's help me break free from survival mode and all of the low frequencies that kept me stuck. Check out sphericalluminosity.com and learn more.
4. Have a Clear Personal Brand Strategy in Place
This should actually be #1. If you do not have a clear brand message and step fully into your personal brand, all of your efforts to build a business are speaking to everyone and no one at the same time. That is a sure way to kill your profitability.
Book a call with us and let's chat about the best next step for you!