Grow Your Business, Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig Grow Your Business, Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the process of creating a unique image and reputation for yourself in your business or profession. It involves the use of marketing techniques to promote yourself and your skills, values, and personality to potential clients, customers, or even potential employers.

Personal branding has become increasingly important in today's business world as potential clients seek out individuals who stand out from the crowd and demonstrate expertise in their field.

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Grow Your Business, Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig Grow Your Business, Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig

4 Steps to More Profitability

Are you actually running a business? Or are you hustlin' without a clear strategy?

Are you embracing that you ARE a CEO? Or is your business still run like a hobby?

I was just talking to someone the other morning about actually stepping in to your power and building a business rather than hustlin' as a professional. Then I saw Marie Forleo's latest episode pop into my inbox and wanted to share my perspective about profitability mistakes.

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Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig Personal Brand Alyssa Pfennig

3 Strategies to Reveal Your Most Authentic Personal Brand

Your personal brand is everything someone thinks and feels about your business. It’s the voice you show up with online, the images you put out…everything.

To be effective, your personal brand has to be an energetic match for the clients you want to attract AND your message has to be clear.

So, here are our Top 3 Strategies to Reveal Your Most Authentic Personal Brand.

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